If you want be happy for a day then have a good meal, for an year go get married and for your life become a gardener

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Saturday, July 2, 2011

Google Plus- A Facebook Clone?

Source : http://www.techlineinfo.com

Another social networking experiment from Google after the flop shows like Orkut, Wave, Buzz etc. Today I got my Google Plus account activated and spent the whole day played with the brand new Social network. First impression shows that, plus is almost an imitation of Facebook in terms of appearance and features.  Just see the comparison of Google Plus and Facebook home page screenshots. I’ve marked the clone portions.
google plus thumb Google Plus  A Facebook Clone?
You can see the clones of Wall, Newsfeeds, Notifications,Facebook like, Share menu (Link, Video, Images, Places) etc in Google Plus. Facebook list is cloned as Plus Circles
Google Plus is more emphasized on Circles (A clone of Facebook lists) and Privacy settings. An easy to use drag and drop interface makes the categorization of contacts comfortable. Now the pages are advertisement free . By default, your Google contacts are linked with Google Plus account and you can also import the contacts from other email services like Yahoo, Hotmail etc. Privacy setting is much simpler and comfortable than Facebook. One can very easily decide what to share with whom. Your Picassa account is linked with Plus profile to share the albums and photos with your friends and circles.
A new Hangout Feature is a noticeable difference from Facebook . Facebook permits simple text chat only, but with the power of Google Voice and Video Chat, Plus Hangout feature  allows  to do Group Video Chat and streaming.
Google Plus Hangout thumb Google Plus  A Facebook Clone?

It is too early to reach in a verdict that whether it will beat Facebook or not. Facebook has changed the face of social networks and now it’s a synonym of social networking. Google knows this fact better than anyone and I feel that they’ve launched this product by learning from their past flop shows in this field.

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...Teja Bhai hangover ...

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Mithun John Varghese


Do you still have the remains of your skills when you owned a NOKIA 1100 long back...

the snake.. moving snake...

try it here ... """in the below small window""